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Grūtniece 9. mēnesī ar vīru nodarbojas ar akrojogu – tagad arī ar savu mazuli!

Publicēts: Piektdiena, 15. aprīlis 2016 14:19 / / 1321 views

Un kāds runā par spēka treniņiem?

Akrojogas instruktori Lizija Tombere un Džošs Jangs ir arī vīrs un sieva, un viņi savu praksi “pacēla” nākamajā līmenī, turpinot nodarboties ar jogu, kamēr Tombera bija devītajā grūtniecības mēnesī.

Topošā māmiņa paskaidroja, ka viņas sekotājiem nav jāuztraucas par viņas prakses nedrošumu – viņas ārsts deva viņiem skaidras norādes nodarboties ar akrojogu arī grūtniecības laikā.

“Šodien es parādīju manam ārstam bildes, ko mēs darām, un viņš to atbalstīja! Viņš runāja par to, cik svarīgi ir palikt veselīgai un aktīvai, un vēlējas šo foto parādīt vecākiem, kas nenodarbojas ar fiziskām aktivitātēm,” Tombera rakstīja decembrī.

Tas gan nenozīmē, ka visām grūtniecēm būtu jādara kas līdzīgs. “Es praktizēju akrojogu 7 gadus un izpildi tikai tādas pozas, kuras esmu praktizējusi 100 reizes nenokrītot,” viņa piebilda.

Tomberai dēliņš Deivids piedzima septiņas nedēļas atpakaļ, un tagad pāris savās pozās iekļauj arī viņu.

Already feeling the #acrolove in Miami! Hanging out on the beach with @slacroduo and getting ready to jam!

A photo posted by Lizzy Tomber (@lizzytomber) on

#acrowhileyou eat! Today is the first day of this awesome challenge #acrowhileyou Instagram Challenge! The hosts for each day will give you activities (not specific acro poses) during which you should do some acro and snap a photo.  They will post the evening before their scheduled day.  These will be activities we often do on a daily basis.  You do not need to mimic their pose, in fact we encourage you to get creative!  The winners will be selected based on creativity above all else.  If you need help thinking of possible acro poses visit You must have all poses posted to Instagram by 11/12 to be considered for prizes. Please read ALL details and rules, and use a spotter when trying new poses. Schedule and Hosts: Day 1 (11/5) @adam.hiner + @robinmartinyoga Day 2 (11/6) @acrowithjon + @eveinmotion Day 3 (11/7) @fallonlev + @maxandlizacro Day 4 (11/8) @andrew7sealy + @acroyoga Day 5 (11/9) @fitflexjuli + @epicacro Day 6 (11/10) @acropediaorg + @lizzytomber Sponsors: @acrorevolution @kohayoga @fabletics Rules: 1) Go Follow all 12 hosts and 3 sponsors 2) Make sure you use the hashtag #acrowhileyou in your comments so we can find your entries. 3) You can join the challenge late, but all entries must be submitted by 11/12. PRIZES: 1st prize: 2 tickets to the AcroLove Festival in SD Jan 1st – 3rd, 2 AcroLove t-shirts or tanks, @acroyoga schwag bag of awesomeness 2nd prize: 2 Fabletics Outfits, 2 AcroLove t-shirts or tanks 3rd prize: 2 AcroLove t-shirts or tanks

A photo posted by Lizzy Tomber (@lizzytomber) on

Doing the thing I love most in the world with the people I love the most! Thanks @acroyogaaddicts for the picture

A photo posted by Lizzy Tomber (@lizzytomber) on