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Foto: Keita Aptone publicē krāšņas kāzu fotogrāfijas

Publicēts: Ceturtdiena, 14. decembris 2017 10:59 / / 1778 views

Novembra sākumā pēc trīs gadu attiecībām svinīgā ceremonijā Itālijā apprecējusies šarmantā aktrise un modele Keita Aptone un viņas līgavainis Džastins Verlanders. Mēnesi pēc svinīgās kāzu ceremonijas Aptone sociālajā tīklā “Instagram” publicējusi krāšņas kāzu fotogrāfijas.

“Es jūtos tik laimīga par iespēju apprecēt savu labāko draugu! Paldies mūsu ģimenēm un draugiem, ka padarījāt šo dienu maģisku!” rakstīts pie vienas no fotogrāfijām, kuru Aptone publiskojusi “Instagram”.

#Repost @voguemagazine ・・・ Model @kateupton and @astrosbaseball pitcher @justinverlander came close to missing their own wedding. Justin hadn’t anticipated going to Game 7 of the World Series, so he and his then-fiancée decided they would get married in Tuscany on the first weekend in November. But, on November 2, instead of being en route to Italy for his November 4 wedding, Justin was in Los Angeles for his team’s 5–1 win over the @dodgers in a game that’s often thought of as one of the rarest treats in sports. Of course, ever the supportive girlfriend, Kate was in the stands cheering him on. Tap the link in our bio to read the full story of the couple’s wedding weekend and to see exclusive photos. Photographed by @ktmerry.

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Foto: Instagram